Simon couldn’t hide his excitement as he leaned forward, a grin spreading across his face. “Susan Boyle’s grandson!” he declared, his voice brimming with amazement. The 23-year-old secondary school teacher had just delivered a jaw-dropping rendition of a 1964 classic, leaving the room in stunned silence. For a moment, it felt like time stood still—then the crowd erupted, unable to contain their awe at the unexpected brilliance unfolding before them.
I’ve said this before: it’s wonderful to see someone who appears to be a genuinely nice person on one of the Got Talent shows turn out to be someone who also has a lot of talent. Well here we have the perfect example.
Tom Ball was a 23-year-old secondary school teacher in West Sussex, England, when he went on Britain’s Got Talent. He dreamed of being a singer but didn’t tell anyone at the school where he teaches that he was auditioning–because he didn’t want to disappoint them in case he didn’t do well.
But he did well, very well, making it all the way to the finals. And in the interim became something of a hero at his school, showing the kids it was important to follow your dreams.
But since he didn’t win, Tom was eligible to compete in the 2023 season of America’s Got Talent, which is an “all-stars” competition: everyone there has done well in a previous version of one of the Got Talent franchise shows.
Tom chooses to sing Simon and Garfunkel’s “Sound of Silence,” which we have all watched on video many times. That makes it a bit of a risk because there are some versions, like the one by Disturbed, that have become iconic. But Tom’s risky move pays off in spades as the entire audience, especially the judges, loves the performance. Watch the full video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!
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